Population: 500,000
Privately owned cars: 205,000
Cyclists and Moped users daily: 180,000 (that's 36% of Copenhageners, Auckland is currently on 7%).
'Copenhagenize' is a new word emerging in the town planning sector world wide, and it is the idea of creating 'Cyclocentric' cities. Cities where the humble bicycle is the key form of transport, and the methods of planning enabling it to become the key form. Cycle lanes, Promotion, locking facilities and advocacy.
In Copenhagen this has paid off in many more ways. In the most recent cyclist report the local council conducted a study on the benefits of cycling, economically and healthwise for the state.
"2. One extra kilometre of bike lanes on a road:Building bike lanes on streets with an average of 2,500 bikes and 10,000 cars each day would bring 18-20% more bikes on the stretch of road.
Including a drop of 9-10% in the number of cars and 9-10% fewer accidents and injury.
- A saving of 246,000 DKK in the health sector.
- A saving of of 643,000 DKK in lost production.
- A collective fall in health, production and accident costs each year totalling 633,000 DKK.
- The extra kilometre would give 170,000 more cycle kilometres each year."
(Trafictec for the city of Copenhagen, 2006)
Heres a video series on cycling in Copenhagen, what makes it so effective?- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
So Auckland one day? would it be possible? whats holding everyone back? and keep in mind that Copenhagen has been a very cycling friendly city for a long time.